The Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance Trees Committee came together in July 2016 at an NCSA open space forum and continues to meet regularly by teleconference.

Our mission: to protect the city's urban forest and to promote its care on behalf of the community through advocacy, outreach, and education.

Our goals:

1) Promote conservation of our city's trees and tree canopy

2) Advocate for proper tree care, including watering sufficiently and pruning minimally in appropriate seasons

3) Foster support for best tree management of public and private trees

4) Promote understanding of the science behind tree canopy preservation

5) Engender respect for trees and green space

6) Support and hold city departments and decision makers accountable for implementing the Dudek Report: Developing an Urban Forest Management Plan for the City of Los Angeles


Tree Removal Notices
Founding member Joanne D’Antonio has been posting City tree removal requests since January 2018 to provide easy access to the public should an objection feel warranted.  We also provide information on how to object in a timely way to a removal request. Tree removal request notices are listed, usually with photos, and how to challenge them at


Protected Tree Ordinance
Some native trees in LA have more protections than others, although they are still being cut down. Learn what you can do to help protect them and others.

How to join the NCSA Trees Committee

If you are a stakeholder in the city of Los Angeles, email [email protected] and indicate that you would like to join us!

Click below on these resources and eye-opening information from our Trees Committee advisors:


Oaks (including how to plant)
Planting a Tree in Your Parkway? Here's What You Need to Know
Four Common Tree Trimming Mistakes
The City Gives Up on Its Troublesome Trees. They’re Your Problem Now.
Fighting Wildfires with Brush Clearance? You’re Doing It Wrong
Saving LA’s Trees May Mean Saving Its Yards
The Replacement Tree Myth
McMansions Are Killing L.A.'s Urban Forest
Developing an Urban Forest Management Plan for the City of Los Angeles
        (Dudek Report)